Who Will Cry When You Die Summary

Welcome to our blog post about the summary of Who Will Cry When You Die, a thought-provoking and transformative book written by international best-selling author Robin Sharma.

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their quality of life, discover their true purpose, and live a fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Who Will Cry When You Die a collection of timeless wisdom and practical advice that can help you overcome life’s challenges, cultivate meaningful relationships, and create a life of abundance and joy.

Through his powerful storytelling and engaging writing style, Sharma guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, offering valuable insights and strategies for living a happier and more fulfilling life.

In this blog post, we will delve into the main themes and ideas of Who Will Cry When You Die, providing a detailed and comprehensive summary of the book’s key takeaways.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader or a newcomer to Sharma’s work, we hope this post will provide you with valuable insights and inspiration for your journey towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma

Chapter 1: Discover Your Calling

In Chapter 1 of Who Will Cry When You Die? author Robin Sharma introduces the concept of personal development and the importance of finding one’s purpose in life.

He begins by discussing the importance of self-awareness and the need to strive constantly for personal growth.

Sharma believes that everyone has the potential to achieve great things, but it is up to the individual to take the necessary steps to reach their goals.

The author discusses “The Great Game of Life,” in which individuals must constantly seek to improve themselves to achieve success.

He emphasises the need to set clear goals and take action towards achieving them, as well as the importance of building solid relationships and developing strong character.

Sharma also stresses the importance of living in the present rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Throughout the chapter, Sharma uses personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate his points, including the story of a young man who found his purpose through a chance encounter with a wise old man.

He also discusses the role of mentors in personal development and the importance of seeking guidance from those who have achieved success in their own lives.

Overall, Chapter 1 of Who Will Cry When You Die? emphasises the importance of taking charge of one’s life and seeking opportunities for personal growth.

The author encourages readers to set clear goals, take action towards achieving them and seek guidance and support from those who can help them along the way.

Chapter 2: Every Day, be Kind to a Stranger

In chapter 2 of “Who Will Cry When You Die?”, Robin Sharma delves into the importance of being kind to a stranger Every Day.

Robin Sharma begins by discussing Aldous Huxley on his deathbed, reflecting on his life and realising that the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life is to be kind to others.

Rather than focusing on achieving grand feats or acts, a meaningful life is made up of daily acts of kindness and decency towards others.

Every person we encounter has something to teach us and a story to tell, and every moment presents an opportunity to show compassion and courtesy.

By showing kindness to strangers, we can enrich the world around us and positively impact others.

One small act of kindness, such as offering a seat on the subway or greeting someone first, can have a ripple effect and make a significant difference in someone’s day.

Giving from the heart and sincerely is also an essential aspect of kindness, as demonstrated by a reader of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, who sent a check to thank those who had helped her on her spiritual journey.

Chapter 3: Maintain Your Perspective

In Chapter 3 of Who Will Cry When You Die, the author, Robin Sharma, discusses the story of two patients in a hospital who become friends.

One of them, who is next to the window, spends hours describing the world outside to the other patient, who is bedridden.

As time passes, the bedridden patient becomes frustrated and angry at not being able to see the sights himself and eventually hates his friend for describing them.

One night, the patient behind the window died, and the bedridden patient moved next to the window himself.

However, when he looks out, he realises that the window faces a brick wall, and his friend had only been describing the sights in his imagination as a way to bring joy to his friend during a difficult time.

The story serves as a reminder to shift our perspective and ask ourselves if there is a wiser way to view negative situations.

The idea is further emphasised by the fact that, in the grand scheme of things, our lives are very short and insignificant in the vastness of the universe.

Therefore, we should try to enjoy the journey and savour the process of living.

Chapter 4: Practice Tough Love

Self-discipline is a key factor in living a highly successful and meaningful life. It allows individuals to do what they know they should, even if they do not feel like doing it.

Without self-discipline, individuals may struggle with setting clear goals, managing their time effectively, treating others well, persevering during difficult times, taking care of their health, and thinking positively.

It is a habit that can be considered “tough love,” as it requires being strict with oneself to live life more intentionally and on one’s terms.

Their choices and decisions ultimately determine the quality of an individual’s life, and self-discipline helps individuals make the right choices, even if they are not the easiest ones.

Successful and fulfilled individuals dare to listen to their hearts and do what is wise, even if they do not necessarily enjoy doing it. This habit is what sets them apart.

Education can also help individuals develop self-discipline, as it teaches them how to do things that need to be done, even if they do not like it.

Individuals can become more just, self-controlled, and brave by consistently practising self-discipline.

Chapter 5: Keep a Journal

Maintaining a daily journal is a beneficial personal growth practice that can help you become more self-aware, make fewer mistakes, and stay focused on what is important to you.

It allows you to have regular introspective conversations with yourself, helps you think more clearly, and promotes a more intentional and enlightened way of living.

A journal is also helpful for recording your insights and successes and defining your dreams and goals. It encourages you to reflect on your actions and learn from your experiences, which can lead to personal growth and wisdom.

Medical research has even shown that writing in a journal for just 15 minutes a day can improve health, immune function, and overall attitude.

Keeping a journal is a valuable practice that can help you improve your professional, personal and spiritual life.

Chapter 6: Develop an Honesty Philosophy

In today’s society, it seems that people often make promises lightly without the intention to follow through.

This can be seen in small interactions, such as telling a friend that you will call for lunch next week when you know you won’t have the time or promising a co-worker to bring in a book you love, even though you never lend out your books.

It can also be seen in larger self-promises to make significant life changes, such as getting in shape or simplifying your life, without actually making the necessary effort to do so.

This habit of not keeping your word can lead to a loss of credibility and a breakdown of trust, ultimately resulting in damaged relationships.

To combat this, it is important to be aware of the small untruths you tell and to commit to a week of honesty in all your interactions.

When you promise to do something, follow through and be a person of your word.

As Mother Teresa said, actions speak louder than words, so instead of just talking about making positive changes, take the initiative to do something tangible and meaningful for others.

Ultimately, it is through actions rather than words that we can show our commitment to honesty and integrity.

Chapter 7: Honor Your Past.

Focusing on past events or dwelling on problems can prevent us from finding solutions and achieving our goals.

Instead, we should use the lessons learned from our past experiences to drive our future growth and success.

Those who have experienced adversity may be better equipped to serve a greater purpose and achieve enlightenment.

It is important to manage our memories in a way that enriches our lives rather than dwelling on negative experiences.

True success is achieved through bravery and a willingness to take risks, even if it means experiencing failure.

Those willing to try and potentially fail are more likely to achieve true success and expand their human frontiers rather than live a life of comfort and mediocrity.

Success should be measured by the obstacles we have overcome rather than the position we have reached.

Chapter 8: Start Your Day Well.

The first 30 minutes after waking up are crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the day.

This period, referred to as “The Platinum 30,” should focus on positive thoughts and actions to positively impact the rest of the day.

Just as mountain climbers need a strong base camp to reach the summit successfully, it is important for individuals to revisit their base camps during “The Platinum 30” to reconnect with their life’s mission, renew themselves, and refocus on what matters most.

One way to do this is by creating a morning ritual that includes activities such as silent contemplation, reading literature on successful living, and practising renewal.

By starting the day off this way, the wisdom and positivity gained during “The Platinum 30” can influence and enrich every moment.

Chapter 9: Learn to Say No Gracefully.

When individuals lack a clear vision for their future and a set of priorities, they quickly fall into the trap of saying yes to every request for their time and energy.

Without a sense of purpose guiding their actions, it becomes easy for others to dictate their actions and agendas.

To avoid this, it is important to be clear about one’s life goals and to learn to say no with grace. This allows individuals to focus their time and energy on their areas of excellence, the things they do best, and activities that will significantly impact their lives and careers.

By saying no to non-essential distractions, individuals can devote more time to the things that genuinely improve their lives and help them achieve their full potential.

This can be seen in successful individuals who focus their time and energy on their areas of expertise, such as Michael Jordan in basketball and Louis Armstrong in music, and delegate everything to others.

By doing so, they can achieve mastery in their respective fields and leave a lasting legacy.

Chapter 10: Take a Weekly Sabbatical.

The seventh day of the week, known as the Sabbath, was traditionally a day reserved for rest, reflection, and spending time with family.

However, as modern life has become increasingly busy and stressful, this tradition has been lost. Stress can be beneficial in helping us push ourselves and achieve goals, but in today’s age of constant anxiety, it is essential to find ways to relieve that stress.

One solution is to plan for a weekly period of peace, or a “weekly sabbatical,” to allow for time to reconnect with simple pleasures and reduce stress.

This could be a few hours on a quiet Sunday morning to do things that bring joy, such as visiting a bookstore, watching the sunrise, or going for a solitary walk.

It is important to prioritize and make time for activities that bring happiness and fulfilment, even if others may not understand the purpose.

As Henry David Thoreau said, “Let him step to the music which he hears, however, measures or far away.”

Tanzeela Farooq

Tanzeela, with a professional degree in Writing and Humanities, is a passionate book reader and writer. She specialises in creating comprehensive book summaries that distil complex narratives into insightful, digestible content. Her writings reflect her deep understanding of literature and are marked by their clarity and engagement. Join her literary journey for concise book summaries and enlightening discourse.

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